Summer jobs!


How do I get a job with Varsity?

Varsity’s roguers / detasselers are hand-picked and experienced, usually coming back year after year.

We’re looking for good people: trustworthy, reliable, and good to work with. Age, height, physical condition and determination are all factors that make the job easier.

How old do you need to be? Most of our workers happen to be in high school and college. (For the record, Nebraska state law requires that crew members must be at least 12 at the time they work.)


New for 2024

Varsity is paying $12/hour minimum wage as now required in Nebraska.



Crew hiring status for summer 2024

Some Varsity crews are nearly full. We are hiring as follows:  

Seward: Both crews are accepting applications

Lincoln: Crew is full


Why rogue / detassel?
School’s out and you need cash for summer fun, for spending money during the school year, for tuition. Many treat seed corn field work like an annual career and Varsity offers the sort of pay that experienced workers deserve.

When do roguing and detasseling start?
The seasons for roguing and detasseling will often overlap a bit, but roguing season always starts earlier. Typically roguing will start at the end of June and last through most of July. Some of our crews only rogue. Other crews will do both. (The detasseling season usually doesn't kick in until July.)

Why work with Varsity?
For starters, experienced leaders and a pay system built for the highest rewards. Supervisors for Varsity receive annual training in crew management, field techniques, and field safety.

At the heart of the Varsity incentive system is the belief that efficient work deserves good pay-and for that matter, more efficient work deserves better pay.

How you are paid

We use a pay-by-the-row system to determine roguer / detasseler pay. Each row is worth a set dollar amount. The more rows you “pass,” the more money you make. Of all the incentive systems for field work, none are better at making sure you earn more for your efforts.

Varsity crews work on Pioneer/ Corteva Hi-Bred York and Pioneer/ Corteva Doniphan, Nebraska fields. Minimum wage is guaranteed including travel time. A one time check will be issued by Varsity Detasseling LLC when the season is completed. We encourage you to daily record your travel time and the time worked in the field. A season summary is available of your days, hours worked and pay by request at the end of the season.